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Getting Started

Getting started with Pure Speech Pathology is easy! We accept referrals directly from parents, there is no need to go through your pediatrician for a referral. If you decide to refer your child for services here is our process from intake to treatment! I am looking forward to hearing from you and working with you and your family!
Our specialty services are available to families throughout the States of:
Washington, Florida, California, and Illinois. 

Get in Touch 

Schedule a FREE video consultation to discuss your concerns, answering your questions, and seeing if we are a good fit for your family. 


Schedule Free Consult

Schedule an Evaluation

Using a combination of standardized and functional assessment measures, we will evaluate your child's skills to best understand the underlying cause for your concerns and to guide treatment. 

Make a Plan

Following the evaluation, we will discuss the results and treatment plan. The plan will include diagnosis/disorder severity, recommended goals and the expected duration of treatment.

Begin Therapy

Once therapy begins, we will take regular data to track your child's progress. Goals will be adjusted as they are met. You will also receive progress reviews throughout the year. 

We are currently accepting new clients!

Pure Speech Pathology is licensed to provide speech therapy services in California, Florida, Illinois, and Washington.

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